
S9E8: Shoshandshield – Shoshana Shellans

todayJuly 4, 2024


Our Independence Day special episode features veteran, educator, and World Champion Armored Combat Duelist, Shoshana Shellans! Shoshana shares how her love for this extreme, full-contact sport began with gaming. Join us as we discuss how the worlds of Dungeons & Dragons and Armored Combat overlap.

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Written by: GM Nick

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Father's Day

S9E7: Old Men Rolling Dice – Jeremy Hall

Our Father's Day Special features pro-Dungeon Master Jeremy Hall of Old Men Rolling Dice on Instagram. We talk about growing up playing tabletop role playing games, reminiscing about our own fathers and how they reacted to our hobby, and teaching our own children about D&D. Listen Here   Follow Jeremy Hall @ Instagram: Facebook: Start Playing Games: Twitch:    

todayJune 18, 2024

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