
106 Results / Page 9 of 11


Season 3

The Actress & The Owlbear – Jessica Hutchinson & Darryl Browne

I'm joined by actress, Jessica Hutchinson, and, The Tabletop Owlbear, Darryl Browne, as we discuss the place where profession meets hobby and family meets fun. Jessica and Darryl tell their history of experiencing tabletop role playing games. They also include the origin story of The Tabletop Owlbear as Darryl online Twitter persona.  

todayOctober 18, 2020

Season 3

Call of Cthulhu – Jon Hook

I talk with author Jon Hook about running horror games for kids. We talk about how to answer the Call of Cthulhu using Chaosium RPG system and trading sanity for mythos. Join us as we get ready to make our October game tables a lot more scary in this Halloween Special.  

todayOctober 4, 2020

Season 3

Dalreth – Darrin Anderson

An exclusive interview with Darrin Anderson, creator of Dalreth: Haven in the Ice. He tells how his son, Jack, becomes the driving force and co-creator of this amazing new fantasy setting for D&D5e. You'll hear the origin of Dalreth: Haven in Ice plus be the first to find out about the new races, classes, and spells you'll get to play there.  

todaySeptember 18, 2020

Season 3

The Mindful DM – Jeremiah Kaplan

The Mindful DM, Jeremiah Kaplan, talks about gaming with his own children. He describes using Dungeons and Dragons as a vehicle to help children at his synagogue learn the stories and history of the Jewish people through the Tanakh/Old Testament. Jeremiah's success with using interactive storytelling for education has developed into a project using D&D for mental health.  

todaySeptember 4, 2020

Season 3

G33ks Like Us – Dr. Megan Connell, PsyD, ABPP

Dr. Megan Connell from G33ks Like Us talks about her love for playing Dungeons and Dragons with her family lead her to integrate role playing games into therapy. Listen as we talk about Clinical Roll, Brain Noodles, Psychology at the Table, Monte Cook's Consent in Gaming, and Jazz.  

todayAugust 18, 2020

Season 3

Green Ronin – Chris Pramas

Chris Pramas, the founder and president of Green Ronin Publishing talks about gaming with family, GenCon, Will Wheaton's Game Mastering, the AGE system, and more. Chris Pramas talks about Kickstarter and RPGs for books/shows such as Game of Thrones and the Expanse.  

todayAugust 4, 2020

Season 2

Shotguns & Sorcery – Matt Forbeck

Award-winning author, Matt Forbeck talks about his new Shotguns and Sorcery Role Playing Game on Raised on DnD. He talks about the return of the Endless Quest series by Dungeons and Dragons. He shares his memories of GenCon. He tells us about gaming with his children.  

todayJuly 18, 2020

Season 2

Capps Games – John Capps

John Capps, the creator of Capps Games, has been playing tabletop role playing games for 47 years. He talks about raising his children on gaming, playing D&D with his grandchildren, and the return of Capps Games with a new RPG, Pax: World of Heroes and Legends.  

todayJuly 4, 2020

Father's Day

Legacy – India Potter

India Potter, The Dungeon Maestro, about how sharing D&D with her late father, Sam, has changed her life and created a lasting legacy. India talks about her music inspired by her role playing games, the friendships forged around the game table, and the communities she has helped built thanks to her father's gift to her of Dungeons and Dragons.  

todayJune 21, 2020

Season 2

Amazing Tales – Martin Lloyd

Martin Lloyd, the creator of Amazing Tales, and I talk about how role playing games foster's children's creativity and the latest expansions for Amazing . Martin talks about his new book, the Big Book of Amazing Tales, and how he wrote 21 adventures in 21 days.    

todayJune 11, 2020